sigil creation

Write your magickal intention on piece of paper. Extract all letters that are repeating, so that you are left only with one of each letter from your sentence. I read and heard that most people practice with removing vowels, I leave them. It works for me. My guess is that vowels are left out for simplicity of design, and maybe under influence of languages that do not contain them in written form. I seen in my experience, and in experience of others that ‘mismanifestations’ of sigils are not that uncommon. Sigils do work problem is to make them work according to your will. And that is main reason why I leave vowels, I believe that by doing so sigil becomes more precise in manifestation. Formulation is first and most important part in this work. So we come to next step, composition of sigil, its basically creation of simplest possible geometric form using letters we extracted from sentence. And there is one thing you should consider, your sentence should be always affirmative. Don’t use negations in sentence you create sigil from.
Charging sigil is next what we do… I think there is numerous methods. Most preferable is by eroto-gnosis. Now that too one should know how, its essential to keep your mind clear and empty, for beginner it could be demanding task, but some meditation, and reading on basics tantra, kundalini yoga and sex magick will surely help. For me it is most effective method. Most effective would be to keep your mind empty and then in moment of orgasm strongly visualize sigil. Alternative methods employ same mechanism, but using different things to trigger energy. Other method I like is spinning until I lose ground under my feet. Spin until you are on edge of losing consciousness, then in that moment when you feel your stomach is certainly going up, and you cant control your feet or legs anymore, visualize your sigil. This method is good in situation when you for some reason cant keep focus. Fast spinning really helps keep head empty of thoughts and creates that shift of consciousness we need for charging sigil.
There is also one thing that should be mention when we speak of sigil creation. I have to say again they do work, problem is always how they will manifest. English is not my native language as you may have noticed. So I may not give you right examples. Lets say that you are in woods miles away from civilization, and you create sigil that should manifest by bringing chocolate cake in your possession. What are odds for this to happen, it is magick, but it also depends on laws of chance. If there is no travelers campers or similar wanderers who may have chocolate cake with them. Its most certain that your sigil will not manifest chocolate cake. From my experience in such situations it manifests as something similar or close to what was your original magickal intention, but then I heard of cases where manifestations were co responding to altering combinations of letters from intention sentence.

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