malkuth to netzah (unortodox view)

First, body of human is formed, material in its nature, and in this body we can recognize four alchemical elements or four primary elements that compose existence, if we would study structure of body, we could find functional and relations in form with ten Sefirot of Tree of Life. It is often used to describe and explain metaphysical allegories of Adam Kademon. Body which is formed during pregnancy comes to light of day to become vehicle of incarnated entity. In relation to entity and entities connection to macrocosmos, physical body we can attribute to sphere of Malkuth. After formation and gaining certain fixed shape, that will last more or less unchanged during whole life, entity will come to next phase of development, forming of primary personality, when entity relating to its environment , tasks that are put before him, problems and expectations, forms its first relations to that environment. These are primary complexes of causal behavior, these create certain character of personality, most influence over this has family and is immediate surrounding in childhood. Forming of this aspect in appearance of incarnated entity, we can connect to sphere of Yesod, influence of astrological Moon, that can be connected to lowest, false ego, ego complexes and it insecurities that it brings. This aspect of ego is reflection of immediate sounding that reflects its self in mirror of entities mind, and that is nature of Moons influence in this lowest plane of existence. Only when this influence is transcended, and this influence is also connected to influence of mother figure in life, home, family and feeling secured. Only when entity finds strength to cross that boundary of lunar influence, it starts perceiving qualities from Necah (planet Venus) influence sphere. There are formed first conscious values of quality that are not home originated . Sense of beauty, attractive, desirable. In moment when this is perceived, entity starts to build relations with other incarnated souls. This is time when sexuality is discovered. Sexuality as material manifestation of idea of Love, which is concerned with uniting of divided, and to unite divided force of attraction is needed. When those values are perceived inside entities mind, now something new is needed, something that will enable analysis and categorization of values, so they can be arranged in system trough which our entity can operate.

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